開始使用 Master CSS

For a fixed cost of ~14KB, all features are included without complex build environments like webpack, gulp and postcss.



We're framework-agnostic, but we provide friendly guides to help you get started quickly:


透過 CDN 快速啟動

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src="https://cdn.master.co/css"></script>
<h1 class="font:40 font:heavy italic m:50 text:center">Hello World</h1>

* The example above points to the latest version of the scales.

* Pinning your scales to a specific version in production, like https://cdn.master.co/[email protected]


1. 安裝到你的專案

npm install @master/css

2. 引入到主要入口檔

Add @master/css from node_modules to your JS entry file:

import '@master/css';


We uses Mutation Observer ( even IE 11 is supported ) to observe the DOM tree and traverse each class through a unique rule engine to generate the corresponding CSS and inject it into the browser instantly.

Our core code supports most browsers, you need to pay attention to the support of CSS properties currently used.

The author has added appropriate vendor prefixes to some styles, you just need to make sure that the CSS properties you are currently using support most modern browsers ─── caniuse.com

© Aoyue Design LLC.