Grid and Flexbox

Align Items

Can I use ?Can I use ?
align-items:align / ai:alignalign-items: align
align-items:normalalign-items: normal
align-items:baselinealign-items: baseline
align-items:centeralign-items: center
align-items:stretchalign-items: stretch
align-items:startalign-items: start
align-items:endalign-items: end
align-items:flex-startalign-items: flex-start
align-items:flex-endalign-items: flex-end
align-items:self-startalign-items: self-start
align-items:self-endalign-items: self-end
align-items:center-contentalign-items: center-content


The align-items CSS property sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area.

<div class="">
<div class="ai:normal ...">
    <div class="...">One</div>
    <div class="...">Two</div>
    <div class="...">Three</div>

Applying with functions

<div class="align-items:$(value)">...</div>

Master supports native CSS variables and functions, just add var(--key) or use shorthand$(key) for variables.

You can also use calc(expression), env(expression) and other CSS functions if the property supports it.

To learn more, see the Functions documentation.

Conditionally apply

States and selectors

<div class="align-items:normal:hover">...</div>

Master supports all native CSS selectors, just add :hover, :disabled, chaining, combinators and other CSS selectors as usual.

To learn more, see the Selectors documentation.

Responsive breakpoints

<div class="align-items:normal@sm">...</div>

Responsive breakpoints can be applied to all styles. Some available breakpoints are 3xs, 2xs, xs, sm,md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl. Arbitrary breakpoints can be specified through comparison operators >, >=, <, <=.

To learn more, see the Breakpoints documentation.

<div class="align-items:normal@print">...</div>

Master supports media types like print, screen, speech, all, and other media queries.

To learn more, see the Media Queries documentation.

Dark mode and color schemes

<div class="align-items:normal@dark">...</div>

Master uses the selector html.dark to support color schemes. Now, you can easily fine-tune your style for the color schemes.

To learn more, see the Color Schemes documentation.

© Aoyue Design LLC.